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Captain's Log, 25th of Hematite

It's been unusual adjusting to life under my brother's 'rule'. I've taken a break from my military routine to put some civilian affairs in order. For a long time BurnedToast has been hassling me about all the junk I leave lying everywhere, and he even cataloged it all for me, telling me that he'd be damned if he was going to go play maid for me.
It's been something of an orienteering exercise, rather enjoyable. Even if all I do get out of it is some aged items of clothing, socks and pants and the like.

Today also marks the end of Kodor's meetings with the human diplomat, and from what I hear, it went very well indeed.

Down below, in the bowels of the fortress, work nears completion of the grand tomb design. Kodor did wonder why I needed such a grand tomb, to which I stated it was more a monument to the greatness of Nist Akath than to myself. Although he clearly suspected me of lying in this regard. To be honest, I too suspect me of lying.

Finally, I managed to have an official meeting with BurnedToast, immediately following my re-election. It's the first such meeting I've arranged since... I can't even remember our last such meeting. As soon as he arrived I voted to adjourn to lunch. As I didn't allow him a vote, we headed off for some food and drink.

By the time I'd finished all my errands, several days had passed and he was unimpressed. Not wanting to listen to his insane rant about schedules, I left the meeting there, and went and fetched a shoe I'd just 'added' to the list of the items I owned which had been strewn about the fortress. Highly important official business. I claim the time under my asset consolidation plan.

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