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Further Events of the 10th of Slate.
Captain Ironblood sat in his office, busily preparing his desk to look presentable for the perverted, but not apparently insane Baron.
He had stacked a neat pile of documents to one side. He wasn't sure what the documents were, only that BurnedToast had placed them there for him to look at some time last year, and he hadn't got around to it yet.

Usually he just shifted documents from the inbox to the outbox that BurnedToast had provided for him. They'd disappear for a while, and then BurnedToast would bring them back, placing them in the inbox in an increasing unhappy manner.
Mayoring was hard work.

In the corner, Buzong was busy polishing the dirt on his boots until it shone.
Ironblood looked at the industrious goblin and ran his hand through his beard.
"I'm not sure why I really need you to do that after all, goblin. It's not like the rest of me is clean. I think..."

He was interrupted by a bone falling out of his beard. It looked like a femur.
"Huh. I wonder how long that's been there for?"

He resumed his conversation with Buzong. "Anyway, maybe there is something to this whole polishing thing after all. Carry on."

The door opened slowly.

"Damn!" cursed Ironblood. His boots weren't nearly polished enough yet, and it would have been nice if he had been wearing them as well. As it was, he was dressed in full steel armour, but without boots. Undoubtedly he would look ridiculous.

He sighed. "Come in!" Not that he could prevent them from doing so anyway. Nobles pretty much went where they pleased.

He leaned back in the chair as the new Baron entered, and was unable to prevent his jaw from dropping open as he saw who it was.

"Hello Olon." said Kodor Ironblood.

It seemed his brother was alive.

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