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Events of the 16th of Sandstone
The Titan called to the dwarves, begging them to come out and face him in battle.
Bomrek stood there calmly, axe still strapped at her side.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" she asked, quite seriously.
"WHO AM I?!" thundered the Titan, "I am Coce Clashsounded! I am feared throughout the north!"
"What are you doing here then?" asked Bomrek.
"Our strongest?" chuckled Bomrek. "How about I send you against three of our weakest, and then we'll go from there?"
"A TEST?! HAVE YOU NEVER HEARD OF ME?!" thundered Coce.
"No. Can't say that I have." said Bomrek. "Now, you shall face Id, Acama, and BingBing. They're new here, and frankly, they've been freeloading. It's time they had a proper fight, otherwise they're just going to get killed later on."
"Yes. Three. And for heaven's sake, put some pants on!" said Bomrek.
"They... uh, they don't make them in my size..." said the Titan, a little sadly, and much more quietly.
"Right. Well, that's a shame. But to the business at hand! Meet each other outside the walls in... five minutes? I'll be keeping an eye on you."

"But... what if he wins?" asked Id.
"You'll die." said Bomrek, simply.
"What?!" demanded Id, Acama and BingBing at once.
"If you can't beat this guy, what makes you think you have what it takes to defend this fortress? Do you even know what we face here, on a routine basis? It isn't goblins you know! It's monsters far more dangerous than that overgrown nudist over there!"
"We know about the hydras." said Id.
"Knowing about them is different to fighting them. We always expect more. Now, you have an appointment waiting for you. His name is Coce." said Bomrek, concluding the discussion.

The three dwarves met the Titan on the open field. Bomrek called out the signal to commence, and BingBing began firing.
He quickly became horrified at just how little impact his bolts were horrfied, and Acama and Id quickly realized their own prized weapons were doing little more than giving it mild bruises.

"You'll have to do better than that!" shouted Bomrek from the walls.
"LISTEN TO LADY DWARF!" shouted Coce as he broke BingBing's left forearm, "YOU ARE NO GOOD AT FIGHTING!"
He set about working on BingBing's right arm as the other two dwarves attempted to do some sort of damage.

"Damn you!" Id snarled, charging the Titan from behind. She brought down her steel mace.
Instead of hitting the Titan, she struck thin air as it moved aside, and fell face first into the ground.

Coce chuckled, and let go of BingBing, who, with two crippled arms, wasn't doing anybody any favors. He smiled at the two other dwarves, as BingBing staggered to his feet, his crossbow useless at his feet.
With sudden ferocity he turned back to punch BingBing, striking his left forearm again, rendering it a bloody mess, and sending the marksdwarf sprawling, facefirst into the ground.
He leaned over BingBing, and took him by the right hand, smashing it with his fist, before simply punching BingBing in the spine, creating a horrible crunching sound, sending the marksdwarf into unconsciousness.

Coce turned his attention to the other dwarves, now that the marksdwarf who had peppered him with painful bolts was no longer capable of moving.
Acama and Id were trying to flank the Titan, with the obvious flaw in their plan being the fact that both of them could barely keep their footing against the overwhelmingly tall humanoid.

And so they found themselves on the defensive. They blocked the blows coming at them, counterstriking when possible, but more importantly simply staying alive.
Both knew that they had to stay relatively uninjured if they were going to survive this fight, and they couldn't afford to let themselves be hit.

It was on an opening gained by Acama that Id struck the Titan in the bowels, nauseating it.
"DAMN MIDGETS!" boomed the Titan, before vomiting all over the two dwarves.
"ARGH!" cried the dwarves as they were drenched in the horrid stuff.

They realized, however, this was a weakness, and Id promptly struck it again as Acama played decoy.
The Titan clearly wasn't feeling very well, as it stumbled for footing.
Id struck it in the chest, winding it.
"CURSE... YOU!" Coce wheezed, as he began to wonder how long he could keep this up. The dwarves looked fresh, while he was feeling it. Compared to the marksdwarf, these two were a real threat.

But at the same time it was exciting for Coce, who had not experienced this kind of combat for some time. He charged Acama with new vigour and knocked her tumbling backwards to the ground.

The battle went on like this for hours, and Coce soon found the inevitable happening. His muscles slackened of their own will, and he collapsed to the ground, barely able to defend himself.

"I AM SHAMED!" he shouted, bidding the dwarves to stop battle.
Acama and Id paused a moment, wary, but knowing they had the advantage.
"I.. I am shamed." said Coce, more quietly. "If you are the least skilled among your number, then my boasts were far too prideful. Please... let us call you the victors. I will trouble you no further."

Bomrek came forward. "Titan. You are defeated."
"Yes." said Coce. "I would ask you, brave dwarf, for your succor."
"My what?" demanded Bomrek.
"I wish to stay with such seasoned warriors. I was hasty in my boasts, for I am young, and eager to prove myself. I have failed, and cannot return to my home without something to show for it."
"You wish to stay with us? How can we trust you?" asked Bomrek.
"I swear it on my honor." said the Titan, bowing.
"And what of the skills you learn here?"
"I will put them to use in defense of yourselves, and myself."
"Very well. I shall have to clear this with Captain Ironblood." said Bomrek.

"A TITAN!?" Captain Ironblood choked, spitting out the rum he had been enjoying moments before.
"Yes sir." said Bomrek.
"A Titan. In here? You do realize what you're asking, Bomrek?"
"Of course. Remember where we are though, sir. Nist Akath has the most dangerous warriors in the entire Kingdom. I should know, I've been around it a few times before coming here."
"True. I still have some reservations."
"I told him the story of how you beat the possessed Hammerer to death with a cabinet."
"He was impressed."
"I think he was terrified. I don't think he'll be trouble." said Bomrek.
"He's your ward, Bomrek." replied Captain Ironblood, uncertainly.
"I'll see to his requirements." Bomrek said nodding.
"Find him some damned pants." said the Captain, "That'll make me happy."
"I'll do my best, Captain." Bomrek said, smiling.

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